
Buying with Us

Buying with the AJ Team

Purchasing your first property can be overwhelming. Thousands of online advertisements, open houses to attend, understanding terms and conditions, getting your financials right, ensuring you are paying the right price.

Enlisting the help of a licensed real estate agent can help you navigate through the purchase process with ease and confidence. Our experienced team has been at the forefront of the local market and are in prime position to assist you with your dream home purchase.

We keep things simple but thorough. We take the time to go through your goals and needs with your next purchase and streamline your search process to match your wants. Are you looking for a stable ROI from your next investment? Perhaps you had general criteria with capital gain? Worried about your financial situation or need a clearer understanding of what happens before and after a purchase? These are considerations that we help our buyers with on a daily basis.

Reaching your real estate goals should be enjoyable. Let us help you take the hassle out of your property search.

• Transparent and thorough – We understand your goals fully and streamline your search process

• Guidance – We help you navigate around common pitfalls and explain what to look out for

• Off market access – We are approved agents for some of the best developers in Australia, giving you access to properties before it hits the market

Off Market Property Information

WHAT is an off market property? These are properties that are for sale, but aren’t listed anywhere on the market. You don’t find them in real estate office windows either. The seller tends to keep the sale under wraps, so they don’t advertise it. HOW do you find an off market property? We are approved agents for some of the best developers in Australia, giving us access to their stock list before it hits the market. We only work with developers with a 100% completion rate, so you can rest assured that your dream property is ready to settle.

✓ Less Competition – Without the property being advertised, you gain access to before anyone else does
✓ Better Negotiations – There is a much higher level of interaction between the agent, seller and yourself. This gives you more information to base your decisions on
✓ Time is your friend – Consider an auction scenario. The pressure to outbid is high and you are constantly pushing your price ceiling. Off market purchases are the exact opposite, you take time to do your due diligence, and there is no rush with price negotiation


✗  Developers depend on financing – This means there is a risk that the off market property you purchased doesn’t reach completion. We mitigate this completely for you by only working with developers with a 100% track record
To have a browse through off market properties we have on hand, please get in touch with one of our team!